10 Tips and Tricks for increase your website ranking

Increase website and blog ranking is not a big deal if you can devote 1 hour on your website daily basis. Today i tell you Top 10 tips and tricks for increase website ranking with few easy and simple steps.

1, Create Google Console Account: This is free tool by google. It will help you to generate traffic on you website and also search keyword for you website.

2, Increase Website Speed: Your website page speed must have less then 3 second. On google eye page speed is most important thing.

3, Insert Meta Title, Meta Description and tags: This is the most important and first step for On Page SEO. Without this page rank is not possible.

4, Create internal page linking: Internal page linking is helps to increase SEO of you domain. Its shows you all website data are correlate and google always consider this.

5, Back Links: Its off page SEO and its also important role in page ranking and traffic building.

6, Website Content: Website content are major role play for page ranking. Your website and blog content always write in simple and comment words and at-list 10 to 15 line. You will use common keyword for content title and description, its will play key role.

7, Use Images and Videos:   Images and Videos are helps to increase page ranking and visibility on google and other search engines. Always put” alt” tag name and use compress images and videos because it also helps to increase page speed.

8, Responsive website: Your website must have mobile compatible. Most of the traffic comes from mobile so its most important thing.

9, Use Social Media: Today, Social Media is play major role to increase website and blog traffic. Like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linked In, Google Plus and so many.

10, Page URL: Page URL decide your page value will increase or decrease. Always use medium page url , not too long and not too shot. its depend on your page title, Broken url always decrease you page and domain ranking. Always use multiple page website because more page helps to increase visible on google and increase page ranking.

I hope you like this tips and trick to increase you website and blog traffic. If you have any question regarding this or other topic then please comment me, I’ll try to solve your queries. Thanks

Government Jobs 2025. Govt Jobs 2025 posted by CareerHills.

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